lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

The Babel Tower and de Toll Systems in México

With the arrival the global company and especially Spanish in the road infrastructure market under the new Public Private Partnership (PPS) and the bids highway concession, they have introduced a multitude of technological solutions for the world of toll systems. This in turn has catalyzed the standards requirements and fluids of levels and data security required. Just in that point, converge the old toll system even in work with the new technological solutions, and is where import evidence of the need for order allowing full use of the information when in most cases speak different technological languages.
By establishing, a baseline must be defined not only record data that the interacting systems, but also those imperatives own operation data of each process. Recalling that currently a lane not only records transactions but also must manage the constant exchange of information users, whitelists and even perform online transactions with a bank. In this new scheme of data exchange, you can lay the foundation for the implementation of a Business Intelligence system, allowing management to have quick, safe and modeled information according to your requirement for decision-making. In this context Saltillo – Monterrey highway concession, we applied a solution based on QlikView platform solution that allows us to integrate design information and reports from different indicators and for different customers almost instantly. Which it is today essential in today's business concessions.

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